The Power of Us

I remember this one time when a visitor to my office, finding that I was the only one in there, exclaimed, “Oh, I was expecting to see a team of people here working for ZOOM.” I smiled and said, “It’s only me. I’m the only one behind the magazine. There is no group of people [...]

2020-06-10T19:02:28-07:00July 10, 2013|Editor's Notepad|

Krisztina Harasztosi

As a child I was fond of two things: animals and painting. While neither of these interests led to a full-time career, they led me to a keen interest in photography. My husband and I moved from Hungary to Canada in 2007 to start a new life, and we eventually found ourselves on the Sunshine [...]

2020-06-10T19:02:28-07:00July 10, 2013|Photographers|

Townsite Brewing

The Bavarian purity law of 1516 dictates that beer must be made with only four ingredients: water, barley, hops, and yeast. But for the folks at Townsite Brewing, the recipe isn’t complete without one more essential ingredient: community. Community and local resilience is not a new idea in Powell River. In fact, the town itself [...]

2020-06-14T18:33:50-07:00July 10, 2013|Food|

Heather Rule (Adams)

“I was born in the sign of water and it’s there that I feel my best.”  —  Little River Band I’ve spent my life dreaming of endless days on the beach collecting seashells. The sound of the waves crashing and the call of the Seagulls. The smell of the sea and the freshest air on [...]

2020-06-10T19:02:28-07:00July 10, 2013|Photographers|

Linda Sabiston

I love to photograph things that the average person wouldn’t stop to look at. There is so much beauty that gets passed by, when really people just need to slow down and look around in order to see it. The abundance of nature, its beauty, and the ocean at my doorstep inspire me on a [...]

2020-06-10T19:02:28-07:00July 10, 2013|Photographers|

Chamber Music Festival

The 9th annual Pender Harbour Chamber Music Festival will take place from August 15th to August 18th this year and will again feature world-class musicians playing an eclectic programme of chamber music ideally suited to the School of Music in Madeira Park.  For more information, visit

2020-06-10T19:02:28-07:00July 8, 2013|Events, Music|

PH Jazz Festival

The 17th Annual Pender Harbour Jazz Festival features our broadest range of generations of performers ever. Dal Richards, who is a young 95, will lead his Orchestra on Saturday at the Jazzapalooza, and the 20-something youngsters of Jackie Treehorn will funk it up at the Grasshopper. Every age in between will be onstage, once again [...]

2020-06-10T19:02:28-07:00July 8, 2013|Events, Music|

Synchronicity Festival

Far from being just another festival, Synchronicity is a bold experiment in community building that gives us all a glimpse into our future today. Synchronicity is that moment in time when everything just feels connected. And while this feeling can be difficult to capture, the Synchronicity Festival is doing just that. We take the Sunshine [...]

2020-06-10T19:02:28-07:00July 8, 2013|Events|

A Different View

Like some people (around one billion of them as of the latest official count), I use Facebook to connect with family and friends from all over the world. Unlike most Facebook users, however, I do not check my Facebook page everyday as I don’t feel the need to know my friends’ thoughts, likes and dislikes, [...]

2020-06-10T19:02:28-07:00March 29, 2013|Editor's Notepad|

20 years… and it’s just the beginning

[custom_frame_left][/custom_frame_left] The twentieth anniversary of any arts organization in our day and age is cause to celebrate, and this May the Coast Symphony Orchestra (CSO) plans to celebrate in style with the homecoming of Mark Andrews and Beth Currie-Buono as soloists with the orchestra in a gala matinee concert followed by a reception. The impetus [...]

2020-06-10T19:02:29-07:00March 27, 2013|Events, Music|