Love ingredients that can move from sweet to savoury with ease? Tempting us with a toothsome, appetizing taste on one side while also offering a luscious, tasty dessert option on the other?

The simplicity of the rice grain has filled our bellies for thousands of years. Arborio, the rice used specifically for risotto-style dishes, is an Italian, short-grain rice with a high starch content, which provides a creamy and chewy finish.

Arborio is a versatile cooking staple. It is easy to cook with and pairs with virtually every flavour combination, making it handy to have as a pantry staple. It’s inexpensive, and I don’t know of anyone who doesn’t like rice. You can make it in large batches for a crowd, and it’s easy to reheat for leftovers.

These two recipes showcase both sides of this exquisite grain. These are just starting ideas. Substitute your favourite flavours and foods to make them your own.

Serves 4

2 T butter
1 small white onion, peeled
3 cloves garlic, peeled
¼ c white wine
1 c arborio rice
2½ c stock (can also use water)
1 c peas, fresh or frozen
20 medium shrimp, peeled and deveined
Heat stock.
Add butter to a small pan over medium heat.
Finely dice onion and add to pan. Let cook 4 minutes.
Roughly chop garlic and add to onions. Let cook 1 minute.
Add white wine to pot and let reduce, 2 minutes.
Add arborio rice and stir to combine; let cook another minute.
Add stock ½ cup at a time.
Let the stock absorb between additions over approximately 20 minutes,
stirring occasionally.
Reduce heat to medium low.
Add salt to taste.
Add the shrimps. Let cook 3 minutes.
Gently stir in peas and heat through.
Serve with a side of lemon and grated Parmesan cheese.

Serves 2

½ c arborio rice
1½ c water
1 c coconut milk
1 T honey
1/4 t ground cardamom
Topping: your choice.
This is great with fresh, canned, or stewed
fruit or a dollop of your favourite jam.
Boil water.
In a small pot over medium heat, toast arborio rice kernels for a couple of minutes.
Add boiled water, ½ cup at a time, letting the water absorb between additions over approximately 15 minutes, and stirring occasionally.
Stir in the coconut milk.
Turn the heat down to medium low and let cook another 10 minutes, again stirring occasionally.
Stir in honey and cardamom.
Let cool to room temperature.
Add your topping of choice.

Words | Natalie Findlay